Balasore Chamber of industries & Commerce is Registered under Society Act- X XI-1860 bearing registration No BLS/ 6144-2330 F/1997-98) as ‘ Balasore Chamber of Industries “ , a association of Industries . This was made broad based and registered as Balasore Chamber of Industries and Commerce bearing No. BLS/8091-28/2004-05 for incorporation of Members from Services, Trade and Commerce besides Industries. This is a nodal organization functioning uninteruptly since 1988-89. And acts as a catalyst organization for enterprise promotion at district level. The area of Operation is the district of Balasore but there is provision for incorporation of Members from adjoining districts.
The Chamber is Member of:
RLACCT - Member of Range Level Advisory Committee, Commercial Tax.;
PGRC- Public Grievance Redressal Committee for the Commissioner of ` Central Excise, Customs & Service Tax.
DRUCC- Divisional Railway Users Consultative Committee.
SCC - Railway Station Consultative Committee.